[디즈니 자료] 디즈니의 배경이 된 곳을 알아보자

안녕하세요, 우즈마카파에요!

이번 포스팅에서는 디즈니의 애니메이션 배경이 되는 나라에 대해 정리해보려고 해요!

그럼, 보기 편하게 지도부터 보여드릴게요 :)

일단, 이 지도와 정리본은

해외에 있는 한 디즈니 팬분에 의해 작성되었고요,

확실히 지역이 명시된 작품은 그 지역을 따르고,

지역이 불분명한 작품은 원작을 참조했다고 합니다:)

(주먹왕 랄프 까지가 가장 최신작품으로 보이네요!)

이 아래는 디즈니 팬분의 지역 설명 원문입니다 :)


Brother Bear: Northern Canada, Alaska.

Meet the Robinsons: US/Canada. Lewis mentions being from Canada but the tone of the family seems like they are American.

Bambi: Northern US/Canada. Though originally a German story, the collection of animals clearly indicates North American wildlife.

Fox and the Hound: Norther US/Canada. Same argument as Bambi.

Chicken Little: US. Generally American feel but no specifics given.

Home on the Range: Western US.

Lady and the Tramp: Eastern US. Small town America feel. Shown celebrating forth of July.

A Bug's Life : Texas/Mexico Border

Icabod Crane: Sleepy Hollow

Oliver and Company: New York City

Pocahontas: Virginia

Incredibles: Midwest/Chicago city feel

Toy Story: Small Michigan town

Bolt: Hollywood.

Lilo and Stitch: Hawaii

Princess and the Frog: New Orleans

Rescuers: New Orleans/ Bayou

Dumbo: Florida. Where he is "born" and a bulk of the movie takes place.


Little Mermaid: Caribbean. Though the story is Danish, the wildlife is clearly tropical, Sebastian is Jamaican and it is very reasonable to have European royals in their settlements. Please do not leave any comments on the position of this movie. I realize the original story is Danish and there are only fair skinned people in the movie. I have heard every argument from every side and I'm going with MY OPINION on this one. The movie is too inconsistent to make a 100% correct ID on the location so I'm going with what seems right to me given all the evidence.



Emperor's New Groove: Peru

Up: Venezuela


Robin Hood: England

The Great Mouse Detective: England

Sword and the Stone: England

Winnie the Pooh: England

Alice in Wonderland: England

Mr. Toad: England

Black Cauldron: Mythological Wales

101 Dalmations: England

Peter Pan: London.

Cars2 : The last and big part of the movie is set in England

Brave : Scotland

Snow White: Germany.

Sleeping Beauty: Germany.


Pinocchio : An Italian story and they are near the sea.


Tangled: Germany

Cinderella: France

Hunchback of Notre Dame: Paris

Beauty and the Beast: France

Aristocats: France

Ratattouille : Paris

Hercules: Greece

Atlantis: Mediterranean


Tarzan: Ivory Coast

Lion King: Africa


Jungle Book : India

Mulan: China

Aladdin: General Saudi Arabia


Rescuers Down Under: Australia

Find Nemo : Great Barrier Reef


Dinosaur: Pangea

Treasure Planet: Alternate Universe

Wreck-It Ralph : Cyberspace

Monsters Inc. : Alternate Universe

Wall-e : Future Earth/Space

아마 이 뒤의 작품으로는,


모아나 - 폴리네시안 지역 (호주 - 하와이)

주토피아는 Other

빅 히어로는 일본에 가까워 보이지만, 샌프란쇼코라는 가상의 지역이므로 Other가 더 맞을 것 같네요..!

도움이 되셨나요?

그럼 다음에도 더 알찬 디즈니 자료로 돌아올게요!

우즈마카파였습니다 :)




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